Here is the Cosmopolitan front cover. This will be aspirational to some people, as it tells people to 'Love your Body'. These slogans make women attracted to the magazine. The target audience for the magazine is women in their 30's. It tells people a lot about losing weight such as :'Too fat? Your Body Demons'. Many women at this age are cautious about their weight. The values the magazine expects the readers to have is to improve their life. It tells you a lot about sex and how to improve it. The magazine is saying that you need to look at this, otherwise you are not normal.
The tone of the magazine is aspirational as there is vibrant colours, and a women staring at you. The target audience for this magazine is 18-20 year old women, you can see this with things like 'You=A*flirt!' A* referring to school grades. There are many things to do with school such as 'Celeb School Confessions', 'Classmates need to mop up my periods'. This can show that they want to teenage girls to grow up like this, with all the latest fashion, and have lots of glamour, and to gossip.
Here is the front cover of Attitude magazine. The cover is aspirational, as it is included with many things such as vibrant colours and a male celebrity on the front. The magazine is aimed at gay men. You can see this because it has a blue background aimed at men, however it says. 'Obsessed with a guy?'
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